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12.30.14: Chicago Sun-Times: "Chicago's most notable barge stories of 2014"


7.4.14: Rose-Hulman Echoes: "Alumni Duo Floating Windy City Dream"


6.17.14: Chicago Tribune: "Crowdfunding for proposed Breakwater Chicago complex exceeds goal"


6.16.14: Crain's Chicago Business: "City of big shoulders and quirky thinkers"


6.14.14: Korea Times: "Creating an Artificial Island on Lake Michigan"


6.13.14: Chicago Tribune: “Floating island proposed for Chicago"


6.13.14: Chicago Sun-Times: "369 people want a piece of the floating resort."  


6.11.14: Daily Polish News: "Enjoy shopping and entertainment - on an artificial island"


6.11.14: Crain's Chicago Business: "That party barge isn't the screwiest idea Chicago's ever seen"


6.10.14: Chicago China Star News: "Chicago is built on big tourism projects: floating water park"


6.10.14: Crain's Chicago Business: "Next stop for fun: A pool-equipped barge on Lake Michigan?"


6.10.14: Chicago Tribune: "Engineer pitches floating island off Chicago's shoreline"


6.9.14: RedEye Chicago: "A Floating Entertainment Complex"


6.9.14: Chicago Sun-Times: "Why a floating resort could be the next Navy Pier"



6.10.14: WBBM CBS-2: "Chicago Entrepreneur Dreams of Chicago's Own Island Resort"


6.10.14: WMAQ NBC-5: "Entrepreneur Plans Floating Entertainment Vessel in Lake Michigan."  


6.10.14: WGN-TV: Floating island of restaurants , pool and more proposed for Chicago


6.11.14: WGN-TV: "Campaign looks to create floating venue on Lake Michigan"


6.10.14: WFLD FOX-32: "Campaign aims to create Luxury Island in Chicago Harbor"



10.6.15: WGN-AM720: "Breakwater Chicago on Tomorrow's Business Today"


9.4.15: WGN-AM720: "Sirott and Murciano's final show: 'See you down the road'" (segment starts at 22:30, ends 28:20)


7.9.14: DNAinfo Radio: "Navy Pier renovations front and center at meeting."


6.18.16: WGN Radio: "Breakwater Chicago - A Party Island on Lake Michigan, with Pete McMurray"


6.13.14: WGN-AM: WGN Listener Suggested Hamburgers” (segment starts at 21:25, ends 23:55)


6.12.14: WGN Radio: "Beau D'Arcy, CEO of Breakwater Chicago, on WGN Radio with Garry Meier"


6.10.14: WBBM-AM780: Chicago Entrepreneur Dreams Of Chicago’s Own Island Resort


6.10.14: WLS 890AM: "Beau D'Arcy [of Breakwater Chicago] joins Roe & Roeper"



6.27.17: Chicago Inno: "How a Cancer Diagnosis Helped One Chicago Entrepreneur Dream Really, Really Big"


4.12.17: Architects Newspaper: "Football-field-sized party barge for Lake Michigan unveiled"


3.26.17: SummertimeCHI: "A Floating Resort is Coming to Lake Michigan"


8.9.16: ChicagoInno: "8 Innovative Projects that Could Change the Look of Chicago"


5.17.16: FOX17: "Floating resort proposed for Lake Michigan"


4.15.16: Design Engine: "Breakwater, Chicago's Floating Resort"


4.1.16: New Eastside News: "Floating resort idea approaches the Chicago shoreline"


3.26.16: Access Chicago Realty: "Entertainment Company Planning Floating Resort on Lake Michigan"


3.12.16: Urban Matter: "A Revolutionary Floating Resort is Coming to Lake Michigan"


3.11.16: Building Design + Construction: "Breakwater Chicago releases renderings of floating Lake Michigan resort"


3.11.16: Chicagoist: "Here are Plans for the Floating Vegas-Style Party Barge"


3.10.16: Curbed Chicago: "New Renderings of the Breakwater Floating Resort for Lake Michigan"


10.13.15: Marine Yellow Pages: "Innovations: Breaking the Mold [with Breakwater Chicago]"


8.24.15: ChicagoInno: "10 Chicago Panels We Hope Make the Cut for SXSW 2016"


8.17.15: Daily Whale: "Q&A with Ashvin Lad, Vice President & Co-Founder of Breakwater Chicago"


7.21.15: Orbitz: "Anchors away! 5 unforgettable floating bars for maritime boozing"


7.20.15: Ivy Magazine: "New Floating Island On Lake Michigan Will Take Chicago By Storm" 


7.14.15: Founders Grid: "50 Awesome Chicago Based Startups You Should Get To Know"


4.30.15: Urban Plains: "Chicago's Next Big Thing"


1.30.15: ChicagoInno: "Event Recap; 15 Chicago Startups to Watch in 2015"


1.21.15: Drive The District: "Lake Michigan's $23-million Football Field-Sized Party Barge"


1.16.15: Lumishore Underwater Brilliance Blog: "Breakwater Chicago - Welcome to the future, yacht owners"


12.7.14: Time Out Chicago: "The 12 best weird news stories of 2014"


12.5.14: ChicagoInno: 15 Chicago Startups to Watch in 2015


11.24.14: American Entrepreneurship Today: "IVY Innovator Award Winner Announced"

7.24.14: InsideHook: "Duly Boated"

7.2.14: Pat Fiwa Events: "Fun Party Barge planned for Lake Michigan in Chicago"


7.2.14: Groupon: "What's the Deal with Breakwater Chicago? Yacht-Island Overload Beau D'Arcy Explains."


7.1.14: HBS Alumni News: "News, notes, and special events for HBS alumni"


6.25.14: "Breakwater Floating Island"


6.24.14: Fast Life Luxury: "Project Breakwater (Chicago)"


6.24.14: HBS Alumni Stories: "The First Five Years: Beau D'Arcy, MBA 2010, on Breakwater Chicago"


6.20.14: Crowdfund Made Easy: "Crowdfunding for proposed Breakwater Chicago complex exceeds goal"


6.20.14: Boating Industry: "First hurdle cleared for Chicago's new floating destination"


6.19.14: PlanEtizen: "Can Kickstarter Funding Help Achieve the 'Breakawter Chicago' Dream?"


6.18.14: Interesting Engineering: "Floating island Breakwater Chicago in planning"


6.18.14: Tru Crowd: "Early Crowfunding Success for Breakwater Chicago Complex"


6.17.14: Scuttlebutt Sailing News: "Could Chicago get America's Cup and Floating Island?"


6.17.14: DreamTown: "Breakwater Chicago: The City's Possible Island in the Sun"


6.16.14: Plainfield Patch: "Plainfield Native's Floating Island Plan Wins Support of Online Backers"


6.14.14: Social Power Hour: "Luxury Yacht Meets Island Resort"


6.14.14: Daily Journal: "Wisch List: It's a Great Lake, but it could be even greater"


6.13.14: GaGadget: "Floating Island Resort 'Breakwater Chicago"


6.12.14: Boating  Industry: "Chicago lakefront project looks to bring more young people to water"


6.11.14: Accenting Chicago: "Party Barge"


6.11.14: Gizmag: "Breakwater floating island promises off-shore luxury for Chicago"


6.11.14: Lakeland Boating: "Breakwater Chicago Gains Public Support"


6.11.14: The Epoch Times: "Floating Entertainment Complex on Lake Michigan"


6.10.14: DNAinfo: "Breakwater Chicago Seeks to Put Glitzy Entertainment Barge on Lake Michigan"


6.10.14: The Architect’s Newspaper: Ahoy! Chicago Entrepreneur Wants to Park a Floating Pool in Lake Michigan


6.10.14: Bar Stool Sports: "Chicago Entrepreneur Wants to Build A Super Yacht With Pool, Restaurants, And Bar For Lake Michigan"


6.10.14: Chicagoist: "Imagine This Floating on Lake Michigan"


6.10.14: Curbed Chicago: "Floating Las Vegas Style Resort Pitched for Lake Michigan"


6.10.14: DISQUS: "Breakwater Chicago, floating entertainment complex, proposed for Lake Michigan"


6.10.14: Gold Coast Realty: "A Look at Breakwater Chicago - A Floating Resort Concept"


6.10.14: Average Joe's Blog: "Breakwater Chicago"


6.10.14: Lake View Patch: "Engineer Floats Idea of Luxury 'Island' in Lake Michigan"


6.10.14: ChicagoInno: "Breakwater Chicago, a $23M Floating Island on Lake Michigan"

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